Monday, January 19, 2009

Grandmas and Green Thumbs

While I really love flowers and well cared for houseplants, I have never been very good at keeping them alive. This could be due in part to being busy working and forgetting to consistently water them. However, I have recently aquired a couple of new plants and am determined to take the best care of them.

One of my most poignant memories of my Grandma is how much she loved to grow things. Each summer a visit to Grandma's included a tour of her vegetable and flower gardens. When I see the colorful blooms of the african violet on my window sill, I am reminded of how it used to sit near my Grandma's special chair to cheer her during the winter months when she could not garden outside.

Next to the violet, sits this ivy, given in memory of Jason's Grandma.

This holiday season has in some respects been a sad one for Jason and I. The week of Thanksgiving we said good-bye to Jason's Grandma.

...and shortly after New Year's day my Grandma went to be with the Lord.

Two Grandmothers both leaving a legacy of their deep love for God. While I enjoy growing plants inside when things are bleak during the winter months, these plants are also daily reminders to me of two women who had lives well lived, and inspiration for me to do the same.


Marti said...

Beautiful post, Andrea.

Drina said...

Your plants are lovely - I still need to plant my ivy! And I'm enjoying Pac Man, by the way :)

Jason and Andrea said...

Drina, I have extra potting soil if you need some.

Jodi said...

Welcome to Blog World! You all are making me feel guilty...

Mimi said...

Your ivy looks beautiful, Andrea. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing you all next week.

Mimi said...

Oops! Not next week, but the week after.